Street Parchar


Parchar is to openly provide awareness and education of Sikhi. When Guru Nanak began Langar we often miss the fact that he began by feeding holy ascetics whilst engaging in conversation detailing the principles of Sikhi. So we follow our Guru’s example. During the Free Kitchen we share information about Sikhi with our service users and interested members of the public. Our aim is to educate the wider community on the Sikh identity and way of life to help create a socially educated and tolerant society around us.

Our inspiration for doing Street Parchar was Jagraj Singh, the founder of Basics of Sikhi. In February 2019, two months into The Free Kitchen seva, we were blessed to be joined by Basics Of Sikhi and be involved in their Sikhi Is Love; Valentine Days Parchar. This inspired us to continue the Street Parchar on a regular basis and share the positivity of Sikhi in our local area.

If you would like to get involved in the Street Parchar or would like more information please click the button below

Street Parchar